in Brands

Advertisement companies have not received a positive response from users who are not immediately drawn to advertisements. As a result, the advertising industry has difficulties in this environment.



A brand to become strong needs to establish linkage with the brand node in a customer’s memory, which turns out to be the dominant challenge faced by them. Many brands fail to reach the right targeted audience and are getting harder and becoming a challenge for advertisers. Another challenge that advertisers face is allocating enough budget and scalability which is usually a challenge in the marketing and advertising world of small to midsize companies, but this challenge will begin to impact larger companies as well. Advertisement companies have not received a positive response from users who are not immediately drawn to advertisements. As a result, the advertising industry has difficulties in this environment. Advertising industries has urgency in finding various marketing channels and virtual platforms to grow and achieve brand status and engagement.


In this case, we employ augmented reality technology, which allows users to scan advertisements displayed on highways or in newspapers using a smartphone application, and relevant films, 3d models, or games will appear, allowing them to engage with them simply. We integrate your advertising with your CRM and find more customers. Using the AR ads tech we render the data to your leadership and executive team who makes budgeting decisions and increase your overall advertising budget. We provide a digital interface on creating, testing and running powerful landing pages, differently addressed to different groups of targets and marketing channels to create awareness so that a brand triggers discriminating customer response and enhances brand perception and appeal.


This allows users to simply learn about new technologies and devote time to watching advertisements in this AR. This ultimately helps brands to grow and maintain brand image and position.